EPC Solutions


EPC Solutions

Our turnkey EPC solutions involve building and monitoring solar power projects from concept and designing to commissioning in the MENA region. We provide end-to-end solutions to our customers including design, engineering, procurement, construction, project management, testing and commissioning, and connecting the solar power project to the electricity grid.

The systems offered include Off-grid/Standalone Solar PV systems, Off-grid-PV-DG synchronous systems, and ON-grid/Grid-tie Solar PV systems. Above all, our engineers optimize the solar plants for any given site.

The power plant systems offered are range from capacities from 250kWp up to 10MWp and all the distributed solar PV systems. Our experience spans HT and LT evacuation including all design possibilities with central/string inverters, 1,000V/1,500V systems, Mono/Poly/Thin-film modules, and fixed-tilt/seasonal-tilt/trackers.

On request, we also provide project financing and operational management.



Performance Assessment and Yield Studies

MIEAA has a complement of test equipment designed to augment the standard built-in solar power plant instrumentation so to improve the uncertainty of performance testing necessary to meet the desired confidence for contractual acceptance and for provision of information for long-term financial projections of the assets. Reduced power production due to failures or maintenance is also factored into the assessment.

  • Pyranometers
  • Ambient Temperature, Humidity, and Wind Sensors
  • Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flow Meters
  • Clamp-on Temperature Sensors
  • Immersion Temperature Sensors
  • Infrared Temperature Imaging
  • Mobile Data Loggers    



MIEAA provides the stakeholders with feasibility and bankability studies for the PV power plant which evaluates and analyzes the real potential of a proposed PV project and offers additional assurance. We thoroughly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed investment and the benchmarked LCOE in the region, opportunities and threats as presented by the local working environment, and the projected technical performance of the plant.


Technical Evaluation

MIEAA offers through its technical experts and performance partner McHale and Associates are able to optimize the PV plant design, simulation of energy yield based on-site location, technology, and including the relevant PV solar simulation software. 


Financial Analysis

Our Perfect-fitting software and team of engineers are able to calculate the annual power production of a PV plant based on the project design, specific technology, PPA tariffs and local climatic condition. 


Economic and Juridical Assessment

Our experts and in-country partners provide a detailed assessment of the economic feasibility of the project and its operating environment. This includes country-specific analysis of the financial context and regulations. 



MIEAA offers an in-depth analysis of local grid code regulations and network connection feasibility, design review of cable systems, wiring route, recommended integration voltage level, and estimation of connection costs.


Grid Connection Documentation and Application Support

We ensure that the new power plant connection application is submitted with the required technical information, and documentation and coordinate the connection with the local network operator. 


Technical Requirements and Optimization for Grid Connection

Our team will identify and collate all technical specifications and requirements to obtain a clear basis for the technical aspects of the connection agreement and the relevant power purchase agreement.

We offer a detailed study of the energy loss for each individual network component or cable run based on load-flow analysis and calculate electrical losses within the power plant. This includes an economic assessment of power cable sizes, load capacity and minimum cross-section, power loss reduction, transformer selection and power losses during the project lifecycle. 


Chosen Technology and Grid Compatibility

We evaluate the chosen technology devices for compliance with relevant international/local codes and requirements. Our technical proposition includes a load-flow analysis for the design of electrical equipment, calculation of short-circuit current to verify compliance with protective measures, review/preparation of protection plans, adjustment recommendations for power plant cable systems, selectivity analysis to minimize downtime in the event of failures, calculation of the harmonic load flow, analysis of impedance-frequency response to prevent resonance, and power quality calculations.

Most importantly our analysis checks for any factors that could affect a smooth transition such as voltage fluctuations, grid stability, and harmonics, and interference with control systems.



At MIEAA, we understand firsthand the importance of devising a value-driven Procurement Strategy for Solar procurement as it has an increasingly critical role to play in terms of improving supply chain resiliency, accessing supplier innovation, and delivering enterprise-wide cost reductions. Now with more than 6MW of PV solar projects combined in operation, procurement, sales or construction; this allows are clients to leverage MIEAA’s long-standing partnerships, network and material allocation agreements with many of the PV sector’s most important material suppliers, our solar procurement team is focused on creating differentiated value for manufacturers, EPCs and solar project developers. Our experience in the MENA region has allowed us to build and understand the value-added of local content and work with local manufacturers where possible.

MIEAA offers financing support to customers for the entire procurement process through a range of financing products and supply chain solutions, at a competitive cost to help our clients meet their desired LCOE and quality.

Our Procurement Solutions at a Glance:

  • Solar Bill of Materials development for local module manufacturers and project developers
  • Technical support for project bidding and tendering proposal development
  • Technical Quality to price ratio
  • O and M regression analysis
  • PV material demand analysis and planning solutions respective to local offerings
  • Supplier diversification strategy development and execution
  • Supplier and buyer contract management
  • Supplier technical warranty contracts
  • End to end logistical planning, Import compliance, local customs and taxes
  • Export compliance and solar trade tariff mitigation strategies
  • Material pricing and payment terms negotiation



We provide professional project management and controlling strategy during the entire lifespan of each project. Our engineers provide detailed installation documentation, thus guaranteeing a smoothly coordinated construction and completion on time. We have a proven network of reliable partners and suppliers with great practical experience. Our services include:

Construction Monitoring      Logistics Coordination      Safety Coordination


Commissioning and Performance Testing



MIEAA offers a construction monitoring package of inspections tracking the overall quality of construction works and the progress of the construction itself. Our team refers to this as the ‘Police officer’ or ‘les gendarmes’ as it grants an independent third party either for the plant owner or EPC contractor to ensure the smooth installation of the project and construction excellence. 


Periodical Reporting

We provide our clients a periodic report with the overall evaluation for each project tranche during the entire construction phase. 


Time Schedule Monitoring and Contractual Obligations 

Our key experience is in Design, Build and Operate Contracts (DBO) which allows for the procurement of a more integrated whole-life delivery solution for the solar plant.

If the project combines responsibility for design, construction, operation and/or maintenance, procured from a single supplier.

Our engineers confirm that the work meets all conditions stated in the EPC contract and that the construction runs in accordance with the approved project schedule and compare the progress of the solar project with the approved time schedule to ensure that it meets approved key milestones in the construction process. 


Engineering and Technical Assessment 

Our local engineers and experts will focus on evaluating and validate the compliance of all contractual works and components that have been installed according to international/ local standards:

  • Electrical works, approved project documentation, and measurement testing.
  • Civil engineering, mechanical testing of the mounting structure with the approved design. 
  • Modules and inverters comply with approved project documentation.  

Our Executive Team

Michael P. McHale

Michael P. McHale

Co-Founder of MIEAA and President of McHale and Associates, Inc.

Performance Testing Services

Performance Testing Services




Get in touch

For more informations

Adresse : 13 Chemin Sidi Yahia Hydra Alger, Algérie

Email : contact@mieaa.com

Téléphone : 002135000000
