Our History

About Us

Our History

McHale and Associates, Inc. was formed in 1995 by Pat McHale and Mike McHale as an outgrowth of their experience providing power plant performance testing services for over 30 years for Ebasco Services, Inc. and successor companies. Our success comes from our experience in design, startup, testing and operations for natural gas, fossil (coal, heavy oil, and distillate), nuclear, renewable fuel, hydroelectric, geothermal, and wind power plants.

Iris JC Industrial was founded in 2008 by Mourad Louadah as a logistics and renewable energy company. From 2008 to 2016, the company focused on the logistics segment while positioning itself for renewable energy activities by carrying out market research and analysis and building a team of industry experts (A diversified team of engineers with international qualifications and multi-disciplinary experience).

As McHale is a third generation and IRIS is a second generation family owned business, both venture partners share common family business values.  This was evident in the first meeting of the venture partners at the 2019 Power Gen Conference.  During the first conversations, it was clear that both had passions with regards to long term growth investment into the future market for the next generation.  That both felt that their success is defined within the success of their clients, which resulted in long term mutual beneficial relationships that would endure for years to come.

MIEAA was initiated into being in January 2020, when the venture partners made the decisions that joining together into an extended family organization where they could share experiences and capabilities to expand their values further into the market together was made.  MIEAA is founded under the same family values of the two venture partners. 


Measurement and Equipment Services

Measurement and Equipment Services




About Us

Our History

Our History

Get in touch

For more informations

Adresse : 13 Chemin Sidi Yahia Hydra Alger, Algérie

Email : contact@mieaa.com

Téléphone : 002135000000
